All of your cells float in water, and they have been submersed in water since the moment you were conceived.
As a matter of fact, all of your cells reproduce and heal in water.
If you are dehydrated, your cells have difficulty duplicating, and this can cause an assortment of problems and increase aging. So make sure to drink plenty of pure water everyday.
Water provides the liquid medium for your blood, for your digestive juices, and for the elimination of your waste. Water is critical for the regulation of your body temperature, too.
These are reasons you should drink water more than any other liquid, especially after meals to aid digestion.
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Most people know that they are 2/3 water, but most don't realize that much of this water is salt water.
Simply taste a tear or a bead of sweat for its salt content.
Even though we are salt water beings, we must drink fresh water. Fresh water keeps your sodium levels in check - it keeps any salt in solution, it keeps your cells from drying up, and it prevents the salt from impacting your organs, like your heart and kidneys.
Difference Between Salt and Sodium
What is the difference between salt and sodium?
Sodium is a mineral and is just one of the two components that make salt. Salt is a chemical compound, and the most common salt compound in the human body is sodium chloride.
Sodium is an essential nutrient that your body cannot produce itself. It plays a vital role in the regulation of many body functions and is kept in your body fluids that transport oxygen and nutrients around your body. It is also essential in maintaining your body’s overall fluid balance.
You should consume natural, unadulterated sodium regularly, mainly because it is a principal component of your extracellular fluid. Nutrients reach your body’s cells through these fluids.
The average adult human body contains about 250g of salt, and any excess is simply excreted by your body - or should be.
Sodium enables the transmission of nerve impulses all around your body. Sodium is an electrolyte, like potassium, calcium and magnesium. Because it is conductive, sodium regulates all the electrical charges moving in and out of your cells. It controls your taste, smell and tactile processes.
The fear of salt has always perplexed me because sodium is essential for the contraction of your muscles, including that largest and most important muscle, your heart. It is fundamental for the signals going in and out of your brain.
Without sufficient sodium, your senses would be dulled and your nerves would not function.
Water keeps your body’s salt concentrations low, easing stress on your kidneys and preventing dehydration.
The average adult eliminates approximately 8 cups of water a day by sweating, urinating, crying, and creating saliva. It is essential that you replace what is lost by drinking fresh water; this keeps your sodium and H2O balanced.
Don't Drink and Eat
Never drink water, or any other liquid for that matter, while eating.
Your mouth contains digestive juices necessary to begin your digestive process, and washing down your food with liquids washes away the digestive enzymes in your saliva.
Drink after you have completely chewed and swallowed all of your food after your meal.
Drinking enough water to keep your body totally hydrated promotes a feeling of general wellbeing and increased energy. A deficiency of water can create an overall feeling of malaise, and this generally results in a lowered resistance to infection, increased nervousness, fatigue, and a poor appetite.
Are You Dehydrated?
Here's a way to determine if you need to drink more water daily:
Rapidly rub your hands together. If the palms of your hands get moist or wet within a matter of seconds, you are properly hydrated, but if it takes minutes to create moist palms, then you need more water.
Food shouldn’t be complicated. Simply go back to the simplicity of eating, like during your grandparents’ time.
When you drink plenty of water every day, you can enjoy your food again - you'll feel better, have more energy, and experience less stress.
Drink Water, Not Soda
Instead of drinking sodas throughout day, get into the habit of walking around with a Yeti of water - all day long. You’ll have more energy, you'll feel better, be less hungry, and flush out toxins through urination.
Many people complain that when they drink a lot of water they have to go to the bathroom all of the time.
Well, that's the point! This is how you stay healthy!
Did you know that school teachers have more bladder and kidney infections than people in most other careers?
Now you know why. They don't get to go to the bathroom as much they should.
That said, welcome going to the bathroom more often because it is a way for your heart to keep your blood clean, take stress off of your heart, and a way to keep toxins out of your bladder and kidneys.
Remember that all of your cells need to stay hydrated and submersed in water, It's worth taking an extra trip or two to the potty.
Bottom's up!
If you want to learn more about healthy eating and get healthy recipes, contact me at Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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